Sign up now, registrations are open!

Dates: 9 and 10 July 2025

Fill out this form to apply for the fifth edition of the ESA Teach with Space online conference! The conference is open to primary and secondary school teachers of STEM-related subjects residing, working and holding nationality from any of ESA’s Member States, as well as Canada, Slovakia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Submission deadline: Applications will be open until the 7th of July (12:00 CEST) 2025 (or until the capacity of the online venue is reached).

ESA Teach with Space Online Conference 2025 - Registration

1. Personal Data

Enter Email
Confirm Email
Gender: *
What is your current role? *
What school subject(s) do you teach? *
What is the age range of the children you work with? *
Where did you hear about the ESA Teach with Space Online Conference? *

2. Application Questions

Have you attended previous the ESA Teach with Space Online Conference or any other "in presence" ESA Education Teacher Workshops *
Which of the following ESA Education events have you attended (check all that apply)?
Would you like to present in the "Share your Project" session of the conference a space related STEM project that you have done or were involved in?
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your project is selected, you will be asked to prepare a 3 minute video for presenting the project during the session. Notification and instructions will be send in a separate communication.

3. Personal data consent regarding ESA

Please note that if consent is not provided for this, you will not be able to attend the conference

4. Personal data consent regarding ESERO Office in my country

5. Personal data consent regarding national Space Agency/Office/ESA Delegation in my country