ESA Academy Conference Student Sponsorship – conference application form

ESA Academy Conference Student Sponsorship – conference application form

Conference – application form

The Conference Student Sponsorship programme intends to make European Conferences offering a space-related thematic more accessible to tertiary education students by financially supporting their participation. Conferences must be selected by ESA to be able to offer ESA Academy student sponsorship to their students.

This form aims at collecting the information necessary to select space-related conferences for the ESA Academy Conference Student Sponsorship programme.
Conference organisers are invited to provide a series of descriptive and organisational information about their conference and justify their request for ESA Academy student sponsorships.

Please make sure that you have read the programme description before filling in this form.

  • Conference information
  • Conference organisation
  • Sponsorship request
  • Acceptance of terms and conditions
0% Complete
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Requester contact information

Please name the University, Company, Research institute, Institution or other entity you are working for.

Conference information

Example: engineering, sciences, Legal, economics, commerce, social sciences, space, education, etc.
Type of activities