ESA Academy Academic Scholarship – application form Academic Scholarship – Application form The ESA Academy Academic Scholarship programme intends to facilitate the access to space-related second cycle academic programmes (awarding a master’s degree) by covering the tuition fees of tertiary education students. Academic programmes must be selected by ESA to be able to offer ESA Academy scholarships to their students. This form aims at collecting the information necessary to select space-related academic programmes. Academic programme coordinators are invited to provide a series of descriptive and organisational information about their programme and justify their request for ESA Academy student scholarships. Please make sure that you have read the programme description before filling in this form. Academic programme informationStudent audienceScholarship request0% Complete1 of 3 Requester contact information Name * Name First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Email * Role in the academic programme * Programme coordinator, professor, etc. Academic programme Name of educational institution * Please name the university, higher educational instituionyear, vocational institution, requesting the ESA Academy scholarship Master’s name * Website/URL providing the detailed content of the Master Is this Master compliant with the Bologna process? * No Yes Number of ECTS credits of the Master * Macro area(s) * Example: engineering, sciences, legal, economics, commerce, social sciences, space, education, IT, etc. Master’s description * Is it a multidisciplinary programme? * No Yes What type of programme do you offer? * Full time Part time Duration of the full time Master (in months) Duration of the part time Master (in months) Registration deadline for the Master * Start date of the Master * End date of the Master * Where is this Master mainly delivered? * AustriaBelgiumCanadaCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIrelandItalyLatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayPolandPortugalRomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandUnited KingdomOther Where is this Master mainly delivered? City * Number of years of existence of this Master: * 12345+ Link with the space sector * Full Master related to space domain More than 30% of the programme’s credits are linked to space-related topics Less than 30% of the programme’s credits/only optional courses are linked to space-related topics Less than 8 credits are linked to space-related topics Master not related to the space domain yet Is your Master strongly focused on any of the following area: * Sustainability Climate/ Environment Biotechnologies Mobility (Cyber)security AI Quantum Technologies Robotics Business Management Other Please name all courses covering space-related topics, provide the number of credits for each one, and describe how they relate to the space domain. Please also describe any collaboration the programme has with the space sector: * Does the Master include a compulsory internship? * Yes No Average percentage of internships related to the space domain (in %) * Does the Master include a thesis/dissertation/research project? * Yes No Average percentage of Master thesis/dissertation/research project related to the space domain (in %) * Does the Master offer an exchange opportunity? * No Yes This exchange is: * mandatory optional Minimum duration of the exchange (in months): * Maximum duration of the exchange (in months): * Is this Master offered by a consortium/ collaboration of institutions (e.g. joint Master, alliance of universities)? * No Yes Please provide the name and country of each institution: * Are all involved institutions located in an ESA Education Member and Associated States? * Yes No Please confirm that only your institution will place an application for the Academic Scholarship Programme for this master: * Yes No Is the entire Master delivered in English? * Yes No In which language(s) is the Master delivered? Please comment: Does the Master offer the opportunity to do a double degree with partner universities? * Yes No If you are human, leave this field blank. Next